What are projects doing now

Because of the challenges, many projects:

Launch tokens on Uniswap V2, or use a full-range position on V3

  • This means projects are missing out on the benefits of V3 to provide deeper liquidity and better price discovery.

Choose a 3rd party liquidity manager to manage V3 liquidity on their behalf. This means:

  • Limited scope to decentralize, because their liquidity is being managed off-chain.

  • Projects run the risk of having no tradable tokens if a V3 range is poorly chosen, if it’s not updated frequently, or if the price is too volatile.

Launch tokens on V3, but with less token incentives.

  • This means there will be a smaller and less efficient markets for the tokens, and will not reduce the risk of a few wallets extracting most of the rewards.

  • V3’s capital efficient architecture also introduces a number of inconveniences for liquidity mining campaigns.

Last updated