The Benefits

The benefits of managing liquidity on Alpha Vaults

With 1 click, anyone can create their own fully-functioning LP vault.

The vault's key benefits are:

Easy to Use

The vaults are the easiest way to provide and manage liquidity.


The vault securely* manage the liquidity of any Uniswap V3 pool.

*The codebase was tested on Mainnet for 2+ years without security incidents. It has in-build security features, and received 2 audits from Peckshield, and 1 from Certik.

Liquidity Concentration

The vault uses Liquidity Concentration to increase performance, minimise Capital Losses, and increase Capital Efficiency.

Guaranteed Liquidity

The vault uses a Full Range Position to guarantee tokens can always be traded, and the vault will always capture fees.


Achieve full decentralization using the vault's on-chain parameters.


Liquidity management can be Fully Automated.

Liquidity Mining

Launch liquidity mining campaigns on Uniswap V3 just like V2, using a standardised Uniswap V2 staking contract.

Last updated