Error Codes

amount0Min or amount1Min

When depositing, the amount of token0 or token1 deposited is less than the amount specified by amount0Min or amount1Min. Used as a slippage check.

When withdrawing, the amount of token0 or token1 withdrawn is less than the amount specified by amount0Min or amount1Min. Used as a slippage check.

amount0Desired or amount1Desired

The total amount of either token deposited into the vault is <0.


Vault has exceeded its maximum cap.


Market Price is too close to the maximum and minimum tick size on Uniswap V3


Insufficient time has passed since the last rebalance. Error code will appear if the time is less than period.


Only the address specified by the old vault manager can be new vault manager.


The vault can only be rebalanced by whitelisted addresses.


Amount of vault shares minted or burned by the vault is less than 0.


The price has not moved enough since the last rebalance. Error code will appear is the time passed since last rebalance is less than minTickMove


When depositing, vault shares cannot be sent to the zero address, or to the vault that minted the shares.

When withdrawing, the tokens withdrawn cannot be sent to the zero address, or to the vault that minted the shares.


Tokens that are managed by the vault cannot be swept out of the vault.


Price movement exceeds the maximum allowed TWAP deviation. Error code will appear if the price movement is more than maxTwapDeviation

Last updated