
There is a flat protocol fee of 1% Uniswap fees* for all vaults managed by the community.

For example, if a user creates a vault to manage liquidity and the vault earned $100 fees from Uniswap, the vault's depositors receive $99 and Charm receives $1.

There is a total Charm fee of 5% Uniswap fees for all vaults managed by Charm.

For example, if the vault earned $100 fees from Uniswap, vault depositors receive $95 and Charm receives $5.

Community Vault managers may charge additional fees for the Community Vaults.

For example, if a user creates a vault to manage liquidity and charges a manager fee of 5%; and the vault earns $100 fees from Uniswap, the vault's depositors receive $94, the user receives $5, and and Charm receives $1.

There are no exit fees, performance fees, management fees, or any other fees.

The total fees for every vault will be clearly displayed on the Alpha Vaults web app, and verifiable on-chain.

Last updated