Edit Vault

Editing a vault will change how the vault manages liquidity and how it's governed.

To get started:

  1. From the home page, click on MyVault to access all the vaults created by the connected wallet:

  1. Click on the hamburger menu of the vault you want to edit:

  2. Click Edit Vault:

  1. A vault can also be edited from the vault page:

Managing Liquidity

After clicking on Edit Vault, you can now:

Changing the base threshold

  1. Click on Base Order Width, enter a value, and a summary will appear to explain what the vault will do.

  2. Change the values until it is consistent with your expectations.

  3. Click Submit when ready.

The user guides contain further guidance on setting the Base Order.

Changing the limit threshold

  1. Click on Limit-Order Width, enter a value, and a summary will appear to explain what the vault will do.

  2. Change the values until it is consistent with your expectations.

  3. Click Submit when ready.

The user guides contain some guidance on setting the Limit Order.

Changing the full range weight

  1. Click on Full-Range Weight, enter a value, and a summary will appear to explain what the vault will do.

  2. Change the values until it is consistent with your expectations.

  3. Click Submit when ready.

The user guides contain some guidance on setting the Full-Range Weight.

Changing the Rebalance Period

  1. Click on Rebalance Frequency, enter a value, and a summary will appear to explain what the vault will do.

  2. Change the value until it is consistent with your expectations.

  3. Click Submit when ready.

The user guides contain some guidance on setting the Rebalance Period

Changing the TWAP Duration

  1. Click on TWAP Duration, and enter a value.

  2. Your will get a summary of the changes.

  3. Click Submit when ready.

The user guides contain more information on the TWAP Duration.

Changing the TWAP Deviation

  1. Click on TWAP Deviation, and enter a value

  2. Your will get a summary of the changes.

  3. Click Submit when ready.

The user guides contain more information on the TWAP Deviation.

Governance Features

After clicking on Edit Vault, you can now change the vault's governance features:

Changing the vault Manager

  1. Click on Vault Manager.

  2. Enter the wallet address of the new manager.

  3. Press Submit and wait for transaction confirmation.

  4. Ask the new manager to connect their wallet, and go to the vault:

  1. Press 'Accept':

  2. Wait for transaction confirmation:

  3. Once confirmed, the vault will appear in the new manager's MyVault:

  4. The old manager can no longer see the vault in MyVaults

Setting Manager Fee

  1. Click on Manager Fee

  2. Change the values until it reaches the % fees to be charged.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Manager Fees can be collected using the collectManager method.

Other Features

Capping a vault

  1. Make sure the vault has deposits.

  2. Click on 'Max Total Supply'

  3. Change the values until it reaches the targeted maximum capacity.

  4. Press Submit

See best practice for further guidance on capping a vault.

Public Rebalancing

  1. Click on Rebalance Delegate.

  2. Enter the zero address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

  3. Press Submit.

  4. Anyone can now rebalance the vault if the Rebalancing Conditions are met.

Last updated